Aitech Horizons

5 Ways to Save Money with a Green Remodel

Are you considering redesigning your home? Aitech has five suggestions for creating a sustainable home that will save you a TON of money.

1. Design with energy and water efficiency in mind.

The remodeling stage is an excellent time to consider energy and water efficiency in your ideal home. Many homeowners are utilizing alternative energies such as wind and solar. All of this may appear to be costly, yet energy efficiency actually lowers your utility expenses.

2. Utilize Energy Trust rebates, energy tax credits, and other incentives.

Don’t be concerned about the initial expense of implementing an energy-efficient design; tax credits and rebates can cover up to 75% of your installation costs.

Credit for Federal Taxes
Did you know that the federal government grants a tax credit of up to 30% of the cost of installing a new system in Oregon?

Credit for State Taxes
The Oregon Department of Electricity (ODE) also provides a Residential Energy Tax Credit to Oregon residents. This tax credit is worth $2.10 per watt, up to a maximum of $6,000.

Cash Refunds
Energy Trust of Oregon provides a few monetary incentives to aid with installation costs.

3. Reuse materials instead than buying new ones.

It’s not always necessary to demolish the infrastructure in order to remodel. There are frequently materials with a useful life left to them. Not only is it environmentally friendly to find useful materials, but it also has financial advantages.

4. Maintain the same footprint: Building, heating, and cooling additions is expensive.

Use smart design to add more room without altering the structure. Expanding your footprint can be costly, so Aitech makes the most of the space you have with clever design. Fear not—our staff will take care of the thinking by considering areas in your home you might not have known existed!

5. Assess furnishings, current use, and chances to make use of unused space

As designers often engage their imaginations in their work, pay attention to what they have to say. Collaborate closely with designers and contractors to make the most of both used and unused areas of your house. These creative professionals may have a concept for a space that you haven’t before considered.